Category Archives: Profile


Dr. Asep Adhikerana (Asep)

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Research Fellow

Dr. Adhikerana obtained his PhD in Biology (Behavioral Ecology) from University of St. Andrews, UK. He is an expert in forest management and conservation issues in Indonesia, and has been a qualified manager with more than 10 years of experience leading the research and implementation of conservation and environmental programs in Indonesia. He has experience in all aspects of program management, including administrative, financial, monitoring and technical matters related to biodiversity conservation and climate change in Indonesia (e.g., Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia). Dr. Adhikerana promotes conservation-oriented best practices within Indonesian extractive industries, such as logging industries, coal mining industries, and palm oil estate-plantations. In so doing, he collaborates closely with those industries with unique experiences, where approaches to developing sustainable best practices to each type of industries have been different for each has its own business’ goals. In the issues of policy environment, mainstreaming the nature conservation into local spatial planning (both provincial and district levels) has been his extensive experience.


Dr. Leuserina Garniati

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Expert Associate

Nia’s main area of research interest is in empowering communities to build indigenous resilience to environmental change and social marginalisation through equal access to basic resources distribution, such as sustainable energy, food and clean water. She has worked for more than 15 years with various local/multi-national NGOs and other third sectors, both UK dan South East Asian Government institutions, and research communities in sustainability and knowledge exchange projects. She has created initiatives, administered sub-grants, and managed multi-stakeholders’ partnership for international development programmes funded by the United Nations Development Programme, UK Department for International Development, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, British Council and the World Resources Institute. As an academic, Nia has designed and coordinated module delivery, presented lectures and trainings, co-supervised PhD and MSc students in Sustainable Energy, Carbon Management, and Environmental Impact Assessment for Robert Gordon and Heriot Watt Universities. More recently, she has co-initiated the establishment of the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Resources Management (CSERM) at Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta to extend the capacity of Indonesian researchers and practitioners in delivering multi stakeholder and multidisciplinary sustainable energy implementation programmes.

Jl. Sawo Manila No. 61, Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12520 Indonesia

+44 (0) 7584 0400 82
+62 (0) 812 1972 2378


Agung Iswadi

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Agung is a Research Fellow for CSERM UNAS. Agung was a Visiting Fellow at RGU in 2014 working on a “Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Marine Energy in Indonesia”. He was one of the lead researchers in Indonesian – UK collaboration in marine energy development project, which was funded by British Council under its Institutional Links programme. The project was in partnership with RGU and ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya). He holds degrees in Materials Engineering and his main area of research interest is in the development of appropriate material and design for renewable energy generation devices. Agung currently holds a position as a Research Fellow for GCRF Blue Communities Project – Indonesia Case Study.

Jl. Sawo Manila No. 61, Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12520 Indonesia

+62 (0) 21 788 48 152
+62 (0) 812 3261 0885


Prof Dedi Soedharma

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Prof.  Dedi Soedharma
Expert Associate

Prof. Soedharma is a marine ecologist with extensive research experience in coral biodiversity. Prof. Soedharma obtained his PhD in Marine Ecology from USTL Montpellier France in 1984. He has led numerous research projects in coral transplantations and exploration of novel bioactive metabolites from coral for pharmaceutical applications. He was a leader of Tropical Aquatic Biology SEAMEO BIOTROP and head of Centre for Environmental Research (PPLH) at IPB Bogor. He is currently active as a Board Member at The Indonesian Wildlife Conservation Foundation (IWF), a member at Indonesian Coral Reef Society (INCReS), and recently joins CSERM UNAS as an Expert Associate.